Topic: Graduation
Short Speech: Food and fauna: Curiosities from My Hometown in Brazil by Santos
Ghimire-san レポート
The March chat salon started on a slightly warmer day in this cold season, and it feels like spring is coming along with the sakura blossom season.
This month, Mr. Santos gave a short speech. He is from Brazil and visited his home country around December last year during the festival season. He shared interesting facts about Brazilian food and animals. From his presentation, I learned that his city, Santos Dumont, is located in the countryside, about 4-5 hours from Rio. The city was named after Santos Dumont, who was developing airplanes at the same time as the Wright brothers.
He introduced some famous foods from his hometown and Brazil. All of them looked delicious, and I was craving them while watching his slides. The foods he talked about were Pão de Sal (bread), Arroz com Feijão (rice with beans), Cachorro Quente (Brazilian hot dog), and Coxinha (fried chicken snack). I realized I had never heard of or tried these foods before. One great thing about this chat salon is that we get to learn about different foods and cultures every time. I will definitely try these dishes when I visit a Brazilian restaurant.
He also talked about the animals and birds from his hometown. Some of the ones he mentioned were Maritaca (parrots), Toucans, Saracura (a type of bird), Marmosets (small monkeys), and Capybaras. I had heard of Maritacas, Toucans, and Capybaras before, but the other two were new to me. The Marmosets looked very cute!
Thank you, Santos-san, for this amazing presentation.
For the chat session, today’s topic was graduation. Many participants shared their experiences. One person talked about attending his high school reunion 50 years after graduation. He was happy that he could still recognize all his friends.
I also shared my university graduation experience in Nepal, where we had to gather in a football field for the convocation ceremony. I mentioned that after living in Japan for almost six years, I now feel like I started to understand what is going on in Japanese office meetings, so I feel like I have “graduated” in attending Japanese meetings.
One of the participants also mentioned the movie The Graduate, and we started talking about it—when we watched it and our opinions on the film.
If you enjoy learning about new cultures, foods, and meeting interesting people, feel free to join the MIFA Chat Salon.
Wishing everyone a happy sakura season! 🌸
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